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My name is Tristan and this is a little about me and where I come from.

I have always been involved in some form of entertainment, from an early age on the stage through my teens on the odd TV programme here and there,…. And believe me, I mean odd.


When I got married to my amazing wife, we agreed that I should find a proper job, sadly I wasn’t able to get one of those, so I became a paramedic instead. Together, we have two children who are much cuter in the photographs, but I wouldn’t be without them.


I have been writing bits and bobs for many years, but only recently started to take things a little more seriously, although I wouldn’t describe myself as a serious author.

I write because I enjoy it and I am putting it here in the hope that others will enjoy it as well.


My main inspiration is my children, but I have also written rhythmical stories about some of the incidents I have attended as a paramedic that I found cathartic. If you have any questions / requests please get in touch via the website or Facebook and I will be happy to help.


I will do my best to update the site with new material as often as possible, so keep popping back and see what’s new.


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